
Tuesday 25 June 2019

Great Bowling on our Greens and Upcoming July Activities

Finally summer weather has arrived and our greens are very busy places indeed.  Lawn bowling is in full swing in Brampton with great support from our membership.  We have seen lots of good bowling and fellowship already this season.

This year members have enjoyed an excellent turnout for our annual Strawberry Social evening of bowling and strawberries and ice cream.  Delicious ! 

Our Weight and Line of Delivery clinic was very well attended and we all learned tips to improve our bowling.  Many thanks to Ralph Ellis from OLBA for being our guest coach.

Members are supporting all of our playing times and the most popular so far this season are the Monday night Jitney format, the Tuesday morning 4-3-2-1 format and the Mens and Ladies separate drop ins on Tuesday nights.  Of course don't forget Wednesday night and Thursday morning mixed drop ins and the mixed triples league play on Thursday nights. 

For July, take special note of two events:

Thursday July 11th at 7:30 pm
Come out and support the Mixed Triples League play down between the winners of the First and Second Series.  The winner of this match will play in the league final at the end of the season.  Also being played at the same time will be a mixed drop in for all other members of the Club.  Come out and enjoy a Thursday night game even if you don't play regularly on Thursday evenings.

Saturday July 27th at 10:00 am
Club Tournament for all Members
Free Day for all Members
Lunch and prizes will be sponsored by the Club in appreciation of the membership
Two ten end games will be played
Sign up in advance on the Club Bulletin Board please.

Remember that new members and new bowlers are always welcome to come and join our Club.