
Tuesday 19 September 2017

End of Season News and Notes

It is sad to say but the great 2017 season of lawn bowling is coming to an end September 29, 2017.

There is still time however to get out and bowl at all the regular times.  The beautiful "summer" weather is going to continue so come over to the greens and enjoy the sunshine.

Fall Semi Annual Meeting September 28th at 7:30 pm
All members are welcome to attend and participate in your Club.
Prizes for all the leagues and sessions during the season will be distributed.  Don't miss out on collecting your winnings !!!!!
After the business meeting, stay and socialize with your fellow bowlers.

Fall Annual Dinner and Dance Saturday November 4, 2017 starting at 5:00 pm
Held at the lawn bowling facility.
$20.00 per person which includes a turkey dinner and all the trimmings.
Wine and beer available.
Mark your calendars for our annual social evening of great food and friendship and dancing.
All members and their guests are welcome.
Get your tickets early for this popular event.
Contact Carolyn Sockett or Isabel Kennedy

Short Mats Bowling 
Stay tuned for more details as to the start of short mats bowling in October.
All members and guests welcome.

Friday 8 September 2017

September New and Notes - Lots of Lawn Bowling for the rest of the Season

September News and Notes

Fourth Place Finish at Senior Canadians
A huge congratulations to Brampton's Senior Men's Triples Team that competed as Team Ontario A at the recent Canadian National Championships.  Very well played indeed with a strong round robin performance to finish in third place with 5 wins and 4 losses.  The bronze medal game was a very close  contest with Ontario losing 18 - 16 to Team New Brunswick.  Well done and great bowling Archie Marshall, Glen Patton and Patrick May.

Saturday September 9th at 10:00 am Fun Bowling
Come out and bowl this Saturday and enjoy the lovely sunshine.  A fun day of drop in mini tournament bowling will be held for all who attend.  Bring your own lunch.

Mixed Finals Friday September 15th at 7:30 pm
Our 2017 Mixed League Champions will be declared so come out and enjoy the excitement.
There will also be Jitney bowling for all not involved in the championships.

Week of September 18th
This is the last week of Points Bowling Competitions.  Make sure you bowl to earn your last points for this round and put yourself in a good position to win prizes.

Thursday September 28th at 7:30 pm
Fall Semi-Annual Meeting
Please attend this meeting to hear all about Club activities and plans.
Prizes will be given out for all league winners.
Enjoy some fellowship with your fellow bowlers before the snow flies.

Short Mats
Stay tuned for details of plans for short mats bowling this fall and winter.

Christmas Party
Stay tuned for details of our annual dinner and party to celebrate the season and keep in touch.