
Saturday 31 October 2015

Congratulations to All Bowlers on a Tremendous Season

The Brampton Lawn Bowling Club would like to extend congratulations to all of our bowlers for a tremendous season of play.  Our greens were alive with excellent shots and good fellowship and friendly competition.

We would like to give special acknowledgement to our 2015 League Champions:
Men's Triples           Joe Kennedy, Joe Burton and Eddie Pisani

Mixed Triples          Doug McCulloch, Maureen Roe and Colin Black

Ladies Points Ladder
First Series
Tuesday                   Cindy Newman, Ruth Lynch, Carol Taite
Thursday                 Vivienne Mollison, Joyce Fung

Second Series
Tuesday                  Cindy Newman, Kay Rice, Carol Taite
Thursday                 Vivienne Mollison, Joyce Fung, Ann MacNeil

President's Trophy
Mixed Doubles        Ann MacNeil, Eddie Pisani

In OLBA competitions, Brampton Lawn Bowlers had a very successful year in play against the other Districts and Provinces:
Ontario Men's Singles Championships
Silver                       Glen Patton

Ontario Men's Pairs Championships
Bronze                     Glen Patton, Frank Dinardo

Ontario Senior Men's Triples Championships
Bronze                     Vince Donohoe, Glen Patton, Alex Graham

District 9 Men's Fours Champions and competed at the Ontario Championships
Gold                          Vince Donohoe, Glen Patton, (Nic Van Weesel), Frank Dinardo

District 9 Men's Triples Champions and competed at the Ontario Championships
Gold                           Vince Donohoe, Glen Patton, (Nic Van Weesel)

Ontario Women's Senior Ladies Triples Champions and competed at the Canadian Championships
Gold                          (Christine Wilde), Mary Meldrum, Donna McCallum                    

District 9 Women's Pairs Champions and competed at the Ontario Championships
Gold                          Mary Meldrum, Donna McCallum
                                  Also competing at Ontario Championships Monica Rooke, Sheila Lumley

Ontario East Mixed Pairs Champions and competed at Canadian Championships
Gold                         Vince Donohoe, Sheila Lumley

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Canada 55 Plus Games Lawn Bowling Coming to Brampton in August, 2016

The City of Brampton is the proud host of the 2016 Canada 55 Plus Games Competition organized by the Canadian Senior Games Association.  Representatives from the Provinces and Territories will be in Brampton to compete in numerous sports and games during the third week of August.

The Brampton Lawn Bowling Club facility will be the proud host of the lawn bowling competition.  We look forward to an excellent event with good bowling and fellowship.

More details to follow.  Save the date and plan to cheer on the competitors.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Christmas is coming to the Brampton Lawn Bowling Club

Christmas is coming and Santa Claus will be checking his list.   Ho Ho Ho

All members and their guests are welcome to attend the annual Christmas dinner and party of the Brampton Lawn Bowling Club.  The fun begins at 5:30 pm on Saturday November 28th at the Lawn Bowling Club lounge.  Tickets are $20.00 per person and need to be purchased in advance.  Contact any member of the Club Executive or purchase your tickets at Short Mats on Thursday afternoons.

We look forward to an enjoyable social evening in the Christmas spirit.  See you there.  Come and join the fun of the season.

Short Mats bowling in full swing for the indoor season

The Brampton Lawn Bowling Club has completed a very successful outdoor season for 2015.  League play, tournaments and jitneys were great fun and lawn bowling for everyone.  Congratulations to all of our competitive teams for their great showings at regional, provincial and national play.

With the close of the outdoor season, our enjoyable indoor season of short mats is underway.  Everyone is welcome to join in the fun on Thursday afternoons at Century Gardens Recreation Centre on Vodden Street in Brampton.  For only $5.00 per day, bowlers enjoy two jitney format games, tea and goodies and a great social time.  See you there !  Please be there by 1:00 pm to ensure that teams can be made up.

Never tried the game of short mats?  Drop by and see what the fun is all about.  Short mats is played indoors on artificial greens made of carpet which are much shorter than a regular lawn bowling green.  Regular outdoor lawn bowls are used to play.  The Club has sets of bowls which may be borrowed for the afternoon to play if you do not have your own.  It is a game of delicate touch which anyone can play.